The modern woman

It seems that woman have picked up a few extra skills since the 80s.
I found this musing on a friends blog:
I am tired of this course I've been in for 4 years. I need to get out or I will die. Please give me suggestions, anyone who actually reads this rubbish is welcome to give suggestions. I think I am good with my hands, bad with my back, good with customer service, no good with liking people, or trusting people, I can cook and sew and grow and massage and read and type, my handwriting is awful and I am clumsy with knives and heat. I know a bunch of useless health stuff and am happy to tell people bad news. If you think you have the perfect occupation for me please comment.
Chantal Ackerman
Je tu il elle (1974)
What do peoples bodies do?
What do womens bodies do?
The most interesting aspect about Ackerman's films for me were the way in which she filmed activities for such a long time that they took on different meanings and caused different reactions. Eating suger compulsively from a bag so that it spilt every where went from being a contrite amusement to making me wanting to shake her. The writing and rewriting of a love letter at first made me wonder about her before my mind wandered to all the letters I have been compelled to write but not send. When the truck driver began his story I was relieved to have something to follow and guide me but by the end I kind of wished he had not opened his mouth. The sandwich making made me relieved she was eating something decent until she appeared to stuff herself again which made me worry about her. The love scene surprised me. After time the bodies became moving marble statues with hips and breasts, white and perfect. Their form was more intriguing to me than the acts they were performing.